NASA’s Rover Captures Panoramic View Of Mars Surface
NASA’s Rover Captures Panoramic View Of Mars Surface
NASA’s Curiosity Rover captured a stunning 360-degree panoramic view of the Martian surface.

NASA’s Curiosity Rover captured a stunning 360-degree panoramic view of the Martian surface. In the picture, we could see the butterscotch-coloured martian sky with ridges on the surface. We could see a fading dust storm that is going on the entire planet since a long time. The panoramic view also included a picture of itself. The rover had a thin layer of dust on the surface of itself. The rover took a picture after collecting a rock sample on August 9th. The rover’s last two drilling attempts were a failure as the rocks were harder than expected. For the third time, the team of scientists made an educated guess, and the rover used a new drilling method to extract the rock sample. The team of scientists also said that to find out the reason why these rocks are so hard they need to drill the rock to powder and examine it under the two internal labs of the rover.

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