Pluto Should Be Classified As A Planet: Scientists
Pluto Should Be Classified As A Planet: Scientists
New research says that Pluto which lost its planet status in 2006 is not valid, but it is indeed a planet.

New research says that Pluto which lost its planet status in 2006 is not valid and it is indeed a planet. In 2006, International Astronomical Union said that Pluto is no longer a planet as it doesn’t clear its orbit. In other words, it means that it should be the largest gravitational force in its orbit. However, there are many other objects and gases revolving in Pluto’s orbit and that Pluto’s orbit is a bit influenced by the neighbour Neptune and hence has been removed from the list of planets. A recent study shows that there is no planet that literally “clears” its orbit and scientists since the time of Galileo have been using the word “planet” for many different natural satellites and other celestial bodies. So the definition of a planet by IAU is sloppy and if we were to follow that definition then there are no planets in this universe at all.

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