What is Coronavirus?
What is Coronavirus?
It is the family of viruses that includes common cold, various viruses such as SARS and MERS. This is named after 2019-now.

It spreads usually from infected person's respiratory secretions, such as through sneezing, Coughing. 

It was first examined way back in 2012 in Saudi Arabia, from then on it has affected around 25 other countries. 

Test for Coronavirus:

  • Most of the laboratories test it by using an RRT- PCR away developed by CDC. 

  • It is also tested by molecular DNA that can be used to detect viral RNA in samples. 

Prevention Method:
  • Keep your throat moist, do not let it dried up. Do not hold your thirst for a long time, because once the membrane is dried up, the virus will. Enter. Into your body within 10 minutes. 

  • Drink 50-80cc warm. Water, 30-50cc for kids. Adjust it according to age group. Take enough amount of water at a time, the excess amount will not help. In anyway. 

  • Do not go to crowded places and avoid spicy food. Take vitamin C in excess. 

Symptoms of Coronavirus:
  • Repeated high fever

  • Coughing last long after fever. 

  • Children are prone much easier. 

  • Adults usually feel uneasy in stomach, headache. 



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