NASA To Study Sun’s Nanoflares

Sun’s nanoflares are tiny but intense eruptions that happen on the surface of the sun. NASA is all set to launch “FOXSI” OR Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager that will fly 190 miles up our atmosphere to study these nanoflares.

Sun’s nanoflares are tiny but intense eruptions that happen on the surface of the sun. These tiny eruptions are responsible for the magnetic lines around the sun and the changes in the magnetic field in the cosmos is caused by these eruptions. The sun’s nanoflares are also responsible for the heating up of our atmosphere. NASA is all set to launch “FOXSI” OR Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager that will fly 190 miles up our atmosphere to study these nanoflares. It will scan these flares using X-ray vision in search of Nanoparticles.