Inner turmoil in CBI leaves us with a lot of questions

Whether something good will come out of it or not is yet to be seen

Apart from the Supreme Court which is responsible for imparting justice, if there is any other institution which is respected and held as high as the courts, it is the CBI and other investigation institutions. Therefore when the inner conflict between the two main position holders in CBI came into light, the whole country was shocked. 

It is not surprising to see that whenever a new party comes to power, they install someone of their own choice in the top positions in all institutions, but when things go downhill like this, many questions come to the forefront. 

The central government is being attacked by all oppositions and leaders who are calling Modi incapable and inefficient and although it can be understood that BJP itself might not do anything in the issue respecting the CBI’s autonomy, what is questioned here is whether Modi who is known to micro-manage everything that is going on in his government did not see this coming or whether he chose to ignore the whole incident. 

Although the CBI issue is far from being solved now what is concerning is that similar problems are emerging in other institutions like RAW and IB. The Modi government has to step forward and take some action in this case before it is too late. 

What is yet to be seen is if this conflict results in introspection and leads to the emergence of a better institutional system or not.