Climate Crisis: The Biggest Environmental Threat

Scientists are shocked to see the sudden climate change in different parts of the world.

As the population of India is growing rapidly, it has been estimated that by 2065 the population of India will reach 1.7 billion. The numbers are disturbing because as the population will increase, the demand to use the resources will also increase rapidly. The fire in the forests of Australia has already shocked scientists because the fires have caused the temperature to increase at a very high level. The floods which affected thousands of people in Indonesia’s capital, Jakarta increased the tension of scientists due to unexpected rains. Kerala in India too faced a severe flood in 2018 causing a lot of destruction to the beautiful state. Scientists have said that states like Mumbai, Kolkata, Surat will be under water by 2050. The continuous degradation of land resources and water resources has resulted in sudden climate change.Before constructing any building or structure, builders should keep in mind different factors such as water crisis and climate crisis. Such roads should not be made which do not let the water absorb in the soil. Such small steps can make a huge difference to prevent the world from the climate crisis.