Philippines Holds World Record Of Planting 3.2 million trees

The Philippines has registered its name in the World Record by planting 3.2 million trees in just one hour.

The Philippines in 2014 has registered its name in World Record by planting 3.2 million tresses in just one hour. Officials earlier said that this record was captured by India on August 15, 2011. But now it is captured by the Philippines. 

The saplings are planted in six different areas and around 160,000 people participated in the campaign and made it successful. The saplings are planted in six different areas on the southern Philippine island of Mindanao. The army, helpers students, employees all participated in the campaign and made it a huge success. 

The trees were planted of mix category mainly of commercial crops like cacao, rubber, coffee. Earlier the people had planned to plant around 4.6 million in an hour, but later on, they were able to plant 3.2 million and broke India Record.