Top 10 Nutritious Fruits in the world
Top 10 Nutritious Fruits in the world
Eating a fruit on a daily basis can obviously boost our health. We have always heard our elders saying “One apple a day keeps the doctor away”.

#10 Guava

#10 Guava

#9 Oranges

#9 Oranges

#8 Watermelon

#8 Watermelon

#7 Lemons

#7 Lemons

#6 Pomegranates

#6 Pomegranates

#5 Avocado

#5 Avocado

#4 Pineapple

#4 Pineapple

#3 Apple

#3 Apple

#2 Mango

#2 Mango

#1 Grape Fruit

#1 Grape Fruit

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