NASA’s Insight To Study Formation Of Mountains On Mars
NASA’s Insight To Study Formation Of Mountains On Mars
NASA’s Insight contains equipment to study how mountains have formed on the surface of Mars.

NASA’s Insight that stands for Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport has completed travelling halfway to Mars. It contains equipment to study how mountains have formed on the surface of Mars. NASA said in a statement that planets are like giant engines that run on a fuel called heat that moves the inner parts of the engine. With their spacecraft Insight, we will able to raise the hoof od the engine of Mars. Mars planet has some of the tallest mountains in the entire solar system. There is a volcano on its surface that is three times taller than Mt. Everest. Insight will land on Mars on November 26th. The research of Insight will help us understand how planets like Earth and celestial bodies like the moon were formed.

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