Earth’s First Photo From Moon Was Taken This Day 52 Years Ago
Earth’s First Photo From Moon Was Taken This Day 52 Years Ago
This day 52 years ago, that is, August 23rd, 1966, we got to see the first view of earth from Moon. A NASA’s spacecraft took this picture during its 16th orbit. The photo taken in 1966 was very different from the one in 1946.

This day 52 years ago, that is, August 23rd, 1966, we got to see the first view of earth from Moon. A NASA’s spacecraft took this picture during its 16th orbit. The photo was transmitted to Earth by the Lunar Orbiter I and was received at the NASA tracking station at Robledo De Chavela near Madrid, Spain. At that time, NASA was planning a landing on the moon and needed images to find out the perfect spot for landing. And hence, NASA sent a high-tech spacecraft to take snapshots of the moon. A photo of Earth was taken in 1946 also, but that was very grainy. The picture taken in 1966 was very different from the one in 1946.

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