Jet Fuel Out Of Carbon Dioxide.
Jet Fuel Out Of Carbon Dioxide.
If this research can be applied to practical applications then this research will change the future of our planet and mankind.

You must have heard about greenhouse gases and global warming so many times. Yet, there is hardly any concluding solution to it without involving giving up on many facilities that we enjoy today. However, many small steps collectively make a great force against greenhouse gas. The newest amongst this is turning the greenhouse gases into jet fuel. About some years from now, don't be surprised to fly around the globe in self-sufficient places. The carbon dioxide emitted by the planes today can be used to create new fuel for aeroplanes of the future. In short, no new energy will be needed as the cycle will continue with some inefficiency that can quickly be taken care of. It will reduce airfare. Besides, the emission of carbon dioxide will reduce drastically.

How is it possible? With the help of a catalyst.

The work on this idea is not new or done by one foremost scientist or institution. Scientists have been trying to convert carbon dioxide into fuel since they came to know about its bad effects. However, almost all the catalyst were costly products and therefore unfit for use. The new catalyst is made out of simple and cheap ingredients like iron. It will split the carbon dioxide to form carbon and oxide which will be made to react with hydrogen to turn into hydrocarbon and water. This hydrocarbon is the required fuels.

This research and experiment are done by Tiancun Xiao of Oxford University England. This is by far the most promising research in this field. Most of the converted carbon dioxide gas is jet fuel. A small portion of it is a hydrocarbon that can be used to make plastic. If this research can be applied to practical applications then this research will change the future of our planet and mankind. 

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