Why discovery of ‘The Goblin’ is a breakthrough to finding Planet 9
Why discovery of ‘The Goblin’ is a breakthrough to finding Planet 9
Ever since scientists have found ‘The Goblin’ speculations that a giant Planet 9 exists have been seen in a new light

The planet TG 387 or ‘The Goblin’ found orbiting an unknown object far beyond Pluto has caught the scientific community by surprise.  According to the team who lead the research into discovering the planet, it is proof that Planet 9 exists. 

Although according to Scott Shepherd, a researcher at the Carnegie Institution for Science the planet exists and it is almost 85% confirmed. However, Becker who did a research paper on BP519 earlier the only way to find out the planet exists is to spot it directly. 

The Goblin is called so because of the initials in its provisional name TG. The Goblin is said to orbit Earth every 40,000 years and is part of a region called the Inner Oort Cloud. 

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