Parker Solar Probe becomes the closest humanmade object to the sun
Parker Solar Probe becomes the closest humanmade object to the sun
Parker Solar Probe that was launched by NASA, on Monday becomes the first human-made object to reach that close to the Sun with a distance of 42.72 Million Kilometers.

The human-made object, as calculated by the mission team, covered a speed of 153,454 miles per hour. Helios-2, a German-American mission that was set out in 1976, was the fastest moving spacecraft closer to the Sun, whose record is now broken by Parker Solar Probe. 

The spacecraft is said to break its record by achieving a speed of 430,000 miles per hour at an approach distance of 3.83 million miles from the Sun’s surface in the year 2024. The mission started about 78 days ago, and the spacecraft is said to begin its first encounter on 31st October. Further flying closer, it will reach the first perihelion, the point closest to the Sun, on the 5th of November at an estimated time of 10:28 PM EST. 

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